Contacts Български

Plant protection

Agrodimex offers wide-spectrum, highly effective and the most favorable plant protection products, covering the entire range of economically important pests in all crops grown in Bulgaria.


The most Highly Effective and economically advantageous herbicides on the Bulgarian market

Defender SL

(360 g / l 2.4 D + 120 g / l dicamba)

• Against broadleaf weeds in wheat imported in the tillering stage.

• Against broadleaf weeds in maize imported in 3-5 leaf stage of maize

Python 75 VDG

(750 g / kg tribenuron) 

Against broadleaf weeds in wheat and barley.

Sekator® OD

(25 g / l iodosulfuron + 106 g / l amidosulfuron) 

Against broadleaf weeds in wheat and barley imported in tillering stage of the crops

Buctril® Universal

(280 g / l bromoxynil + 280 g / l 2,4 D) 

• Against broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley, oats, rye from phenophase start of tillering to phenophase extension of the stem when the second node is at least 2 cm. over the first; 30-50 l. / dka working solution. 
• Against broadleaf weeds in maize, sorghum phenophase of cultural dissolution of the fourth leaf to phenophase opening sixth leaf; 30-50 l. / dka working solution

Derby Super

(150.2 g / kg florasulam + 300.5 g / kg aminopyralid-potassium)

Against broadleaf weeds in wheat imported in the tillering stage of the crops

Granstar Super 50 SG

(250 g / kg tribenuron-methyl + 250 g / kg thifensulfuron-methyl) 

Against broadleaf weeds in wheat and barley imported in the tillering stage of crops 2-4 leaf stage and broadleaf rosette of thistle


(600 g / L 2,4 D amine salt) 

Against broadleaf weeds in wheat and barley imported in tillering stage of the crop

Skorpio Super 7,5 EV

(69 g / l of fenoxaprop-P-ethyl + antidote) 

Against yearling cereal weeds including wild oats in wheat and barley imported from 3-leaf to the end of tillering of wild oats

Puma® Super

(69 g / l of fenoxaprop-P-ethyl + antidote) 

Against yearling cereal weeds including wild oats in wheat and barley imported from 3-leaf to the end of tillering of wild oats

Pacifica® WG + Biopower

(30 g / L mesosulfuron + 10 g / l iodosulfuron +90 g / kg mefempirdietil [antidote]) 

Against yearling cereal weeds including wild oats and broadleaf weeds in wheat imported in phase 3 leaf to mid-tillering of grasses and broad-leaf 2-6

Капрено ® СК

(темботрион 345 г/л; тиенкарбазон-метил 68 г/л; изоксадифен-етил (антидот) 134 г/л))

Срещу широколистни и едногодишни житни плевели в царевица , от фаза разтваряне на 2ри лист до фаза разтваряне на 6ти лист на културата; Фаза на развитие на плевелите 2-6 лист на широколистните и 2-4 лист на едногодишните житни плевели.

Adengo ®

(225 g / l isoxaflutol +90 g / l thiencarbazone-methyl +150 g / l tsiprosulfamid) 

Against yearling grasses and broadleaf weeds including johnsongrass from seed in maize imported after sowing, before germination or growth phase 1-3 leaf of maize 

Merlin Flexx ®

(240 g / l of isoxaflutole + 240 g / l tsiprosulfamid [antidote]) 

Against yearling cereal weeds and broadleaf weeds in maize imported after sowing before growth or vegetative in phase 1-3 leaf of maize

Ventum® WG

(300 g / l foramsulfuron + 10 g / kg iodosulfuron + antidote) 

Against yearling cereal weeds and broadleaf and johnsongrass from seed and rhizomes in maize

Stomp New 330 EK

(330 g / l pendimethalin) 

Against yearling cereals and broadleaf weeds in coriander, maize, sunflower, etc., Imported after sowing before germination or vegetative

Stomp Aqua

(455 g / l pendimethalin) 

Against yearling cereals and some broadleaf weeds in maize, sunflower, coriander, and others. imported after sowing before germination


(720 g / l dimethenamide-P) 

Against yearling cereals and some broadleaf weeds in maize, sunflower, soy, potato, sugar beet, inputs after sowing before germination of the crop


(212.5 g / l dimethenamide-P + 250 g / l pendimethalin) 

Against yearling cereals and broadleaf weeds in maize and sunflower, imported after sowing before germination of the crop

Dual Gold 960 EK

(960 g / L S-metolachlor) 

Against yearling cereal weeds incl. Johnson grass from seed and certain broadleaf weeds,imported before germination or transplanting in maize, sunflower, soybean, sugar beet, tobacco, cotton, potatoes, beans, alfalfa.

Fen 24 EK

(240 g / l oxyfluorfen) 

Against broadleaf weeds in sunflower imported after sowing before germination or vegetative 2-4 leaf of the weeds

Pantera 40 EK

(40 g / l of quizalofop-p-tefuryl) 

Against yearling and multiannual cereal weeds incl. Johnson grass from rhizomes in sunflower, canola, soybean, tomato, sugar beet and tobacco imported in phase 3-5 leaf of the weeds (10-20 cm) height of johnsongrass

Tiger Platinum

(50 g / l of quizalofop-p-ethyl) 

Against yearling and multiannual cereal weeds incl. Johnson grass from rhizomes in sunflower and canola imported in 3-5 leaf stage of weeds (10-20 cm) height of Johnson grass

Pulsar 40 SL

(40 g / l of imazamox) 

Against yearling cereals and broadleaf weeds, including Johnson grass and thistle in sunflower, imported in early vegetation of the crop

Logos 4SK

(40 g / l nicosulfuron) 

Against yearling cereal weeds, Johnson grass from rhizomes and some broadleaf weeds in maize imported in 2-4 leaf stage of Johnson grass and 8 leaf of the crop

Kelvin Top

(40 g / l nicosulfuron) 

Against yearling cereal weeds, Johnson grass from rhizomes and some broadleaf weeds in maize imported to 8 leaf of the crop

Equip® SC

(22.5 g / l foramsulfuron + 22.5 g / l antidote) 

Against yearling cereals and broadleaf weeds including Johnson grass from seed and rhizomes in maize imported in 2-8 leaf stage of the crop to 6 leaf of broadleaf weeds and 15-25 cm. height of Johnson grass

Laudis® OD

(44 g / l tembotrione +22 g / L isoxadifen ethyl (antidote)) 

Against cereals and broadleaf weeds including Johnson grass from seed and rhizomes in maize, used in phase 2-8 leaf of the crop to 6 leaf weeds and 15-25 cm height of Johnson grass


(500 g / kg + dicamba 250 g / kg tritosulfuron) 

Against broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley and maize

Kambio SL

(320 g / l bentazone + 90 g / l dicamba) 

Against broadleaf weeds in wheat and barley imported in tillering stage and in maize imported in 3-5 leaf stage of the crop and weeds

Sencor® 70 WG

(metribuzine 700 g / kg) 

• Against yearling broadleaf and cereal weeds in some old alfalfa imported in a period of rest of the crop. 
• Against yearling broadleaf and some cereal weeds in potatoes.
• Against yearling broadleaf and some cereal weeds in tomatoes.


(360 g / l glyphosate) 

Total herbicide